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Why Bonds? 

Corporate bonds are a critical source of finance for coal, oil and gas companies. Yet, compared to the stock market, the bond market has been overlooked. As a result, the fossil fuel industry has issued bonds to obtain backdoor funding for expansion.

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Toxic Bonds FAQ

What are Toxic Bonds? How do we target bonds? Who are the main actors? 

You can find answers to your questions in the FAQ document.

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Find out more about the worst 30 fossil fuel companies in the world that are using the bond market to finance coal, oil and gas expansion.

Creative Resources

Looking to take action around Toxic Bonds? If you are new to creative organising or just need some inspiration,  we have listed our favourite tactics, toxic bonds brand kit and visual library for your online and offline actions in the slideshow below.

For more creative tactics, check out our resources page.


Visual Library for Toxic Bonds Actions:

Need some stencils, placards or banners to use for your online and offline actions? You can check our visuals library made by Look Loud for ready-made, beautiful designs.


  • Instagram

Toxic Bonds Brand Kit:
Find out more visual resources such as templates, and infographics to design your actions or campaign on toxic bonds in our brand kit folder. 


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